Monthly Archives: septembre 2021


I took a picture of these thistles, because I really liked the colors and the contrast between the purple, orange and black. They had started to dry out so they weren’t as vibrant as we are usually used to seeing them. I also found that they looked a bit like fireworks! (text and photo by Holly).


During the visit, I saw a very useful and ecological system to collect rain water. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. It’s maybe because of the roof that is not waterproof. I hope we will fix it together during this semester. (Text and photo by Florentin)


Some flowers in the middle of the vegetables

The garden had suffered a wet summer. Nevertheless, in the middle of this green panorama, there were some purple daisies. Some had a brown heart, others a yellow heart. The photo shows the harmony in these colours, on a slightly poetic green background. (text and photo by Katia)

Where is it?

The garden sleuths (Max, Paul, Nadia, Alex, Hannes, Mathieu and others) are looking with scissors, shovels, secateurs and gloves to try to find the garden. We know it’s here somewhere, but after a summer of intense rain, a huge dome of weedy vines has taken over. Victory! Alex found a potato!