Tag Archive: gardening

Spring visions

Here, hidden beneath the Earth
A new hope is waiting
With spring, a flower’s birth
A new fresh beginning
by Nicolas

Research project

We had a first meeting with the UPEC geography students who are interested in doing research around the Jardin pontanique. They are studying the campus and more specifically the jardin from socio-geographic point of view. Thanks for thinking of us!

Lenten Rose

This plant is a Lenten Rose. It has a few distinguishable features: the flowers face downwards while most other flowers face the sun. It is also poisonous (it probably won’t kill humans because a lot of it would have to be consumed but can kill small animals like dogs or cats).

Text and photo by Marion.

Curry plant

The plant you can see on the picture is often called the « curry plant », for its strong smell really close to curry powder. It is impressive to see how strong a smell can be and that it can remind us of many tastes we know. During Summer, little yellow flowers are supposed to bloom, we can’t wait to see that!
Text and picture by Joy-Rose


Here’s a plant that grows between a rosemary bush and the orange thyme. I is not very high ( about 20 or 30 cm) nor does it have a particular smell. But I chose it for its leaves, their colour and their texture. The leaves are not just green, but also have some grey and blue, and are very pale. If you take them in your hands they are soft as velvet.
Text and photo by Marguerite.


lthough tiny at this moment of the year, Rhubarb grows really big in summer. You should want to cook it before eating it because its natural taste is quite sour. It is often used for cooking pies but it can also be stewed or dried in some sort of candy. – Photo by Hannes

Early Spring Frenzy

Our WAWWE class got started on some observations, cleaning, planting, and generally enjoying each other’s presence and the lovely weather outside. We got a bit dirty, planted peonies, sage and mint, learned tool vocabulary and purposed and got some seeds planted for summer. Oh, and dug up piles of dandelions before they take over the universe.

Baby radish

This is my favorite picture from my last trip to the garden: it is a baby radish. There were planted at the beginning of October and a week later, we could already see them coming out; I think it is quite rewarding. I also find interesting to see the evolution between this early stage of the growth and the final state of the radish. Fun fact: I tasted it and it already had a bit of taste! – Text and photo by Gabrielle

Numerous plants

Text and photos by Huly.

The Rose

From Alexandre: I have chosen the picture of a rose, because of the contrast between the green background and the red of the flower. It is gorgeous.