Tag Archive: herbs

New visions

I took a picture of the sage because il stays here all year which is quite practical. It also keeps its soft texture when it dries… That’s one of my favorite herbs to cook with! by Abel
I was really surprised to find this beautiful flower in the garden.
It’s a snowdrop that usually pierces the snow during the winter to let us appreciate its small white bells.
This flower reminded me of my garden full of snow where I played with my dog building igloos. By Alexandre L.

A lonely crocus, blooming in the middle of the afternoon. Its bright colors are particularly visible, among green grass and the lack of other growing flowers, at the beginning of February. Those purple and orange fit perfectly with the colors of the garden. I wonder how it managed to be alone. by François


Rosemary is an aromatic plant often used to cook but which can also be used as a medicine. I didn’t know it had medicinal virtues so during the visit of the garden I discovered its  “hidden talent”. Actually, I chose Rosemary because I really appreciate its taste and I sometimes use some for cooking. Moreover, I think Rosemary looks really nice, I like the lovely violet flowers. (Photo and text by Marie).

Herbs and alcohol

From Matthieu: I’ve taken this picture of chartreuse because I’m fascinated in the alcohol created with herbs.

Readings and Tastings

IMG_5937IMG_5931IMG_5929IMG_5925IMG_5923IMG_5946IMG_5941IMG_5944For the DLC Days, the Jardin hosted to the Book Club which read excerpts from Lewis Carroll to Ray Bradbury to Shakespeare. Parched from the sun and the willow fluff blowing around, Speaking Near and Far folks had an aromatic herb syrup taste test for the participants and the audience. Trying to recognize the subtle perfumes of rosemary, thyme, lemon balm and mint tickling our tongues, was a great game for a sunny afternoon.