Tag Archive: crocus

The lonely buttercup (crocus)

I took this picture because I liked the idea of a single flower (a buttercup I believe) standing alone in its surrounding with a bright color which provides a strong contrast between the flower and the rest of the image. Text and photo by Adrien


I learned what a wheelbarrow is! Text and photo by Agathe


A beautiful purple crocus of the botanical garden is being pollinated by a little bee in the middle of winter, in February. Besides, we can even see some shiny sparkles on the abdomen of this little bee. Text and photo by Yann.


This year spring is early and I have enjoyed looking for shoots and flowers. I saw a lot of small flowers blooming and they have the most beautiful colors. Those purple, orange and white ones were hidden and appeared when I bent over to smell a plant, truly revealing their beauty. – Text and photo by Valentine